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21 September 2010

Jack Kerouac

On Tears

Tears is the break of my brow,
The moony tempestuous
Sitting down
In dark railyards
When to see my mother’s face
Recalling from the waking vision
I wept to understand
The trap mortality
And personal blood of earth
Which saw me in—
Father father
Why hast thou forsaken me?
Mortality & unpleasure
Roam this city—

Unhappiness my middle name
I want to be saved,--
Sunk—can’t be
Won’t be
Never was made—
So retch!


But a tree has
a long suffering shape
Is spread in half
by 2 limbed fate
Rises from gray rain
To traffic in the bleak
brown air
Of cities radar television
nameless dumb &
numb mis connicumb
Throwing twigs the
color of ink
To white souled
heaven, with
A reality of its own uses

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