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16 December 2015

Quantas traduções há no tempo?

Uma pergunta

Lá morrem todas as metáforas.

Se na quinta dimensão estão as boboletas
De um sonho;
Ou as letras de um livro;
Ou a sabedoria de um homem.

Assim fica a pergunta,
A mover o tempo.
De dentro pra fora
E de fora pra dentro.

Karinna A. Gulias

3 December 2015

Black Star

Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kszLwBaC4Sw

3 November 2015

Breve manifesto de uma liberação:

+ Uma mulher se perguntar: "o que é ser mulher?" para todas as respostas

+ Uma mulher nunca competir com outra mulher baseada na beleza; a não ser que essa seja a sua profissão.

+ Uma mulher promover igualdade entre os filhos; se tiver filhos.

+ Uma mulher deixar-se cantar e fuder ou não

Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRFeEGy530A

6 October 2015

Coming out this week (download starting from Sunday)

I'm very happy to announce my book release date this week. There will be no social event, but the Kindle edition will be available on Amazon soon enough!

Update: Amazon will make my book available for download on the 11/10/15. But if you want you can pre-order it on Saturday 10th October, in the link below. Also, stay alert because I will soon be posting about some free promotions in the weeks to come.

The book display on Amazon still has some bugs to be fixed, but the book content is final. Please let me know if you find any problems. Thanks!

Karinna Alves Gulias

Pre-order on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B016AMFHOA

Book cover design by Alberto Gordillo; Co-edited by Michael Gilbert

18 August 2015

The Seafarer, The Sea: She awes

Here is a sample of my new book:
With special thanks to Michael Gilbert, for co-editing my book. The final proof will be ready soon, this is just a teaser hehe.

A lua é mais / The moon is more

22 July 2015


Guri belo com pele de barro
Amontoado sobre a terra respirava tranquilo.

Humilde no andar
Buscava água no poço
Balançava os braços,
À procura de apressar o tempo.

Seu tempo de traduzir pássaros
Nos lábios turbulentos,
Criava buracos de minhocas ao redor.
Contornos de minhocas;
Tamanhos de minhocas.

Presente fosse ouvir.

Karinna A. Gulias

Publication soon

I'm soon to publish my second book of poems, in English. Some of the poems can be found in my blog, and have already been published in the Poetry International Festival Rotterdam (2013), and in Beagle #22 (2014), Japan.

17 July 2015

Some thoughts on interpretation and value 2 -- the ways of aesthetics

Out of... we cannot be out of aesthetics! But can we overcome the judgmental ways of aesthetics? Most certainly. Leave your critique to the small things of vanity; that may be style. A beautiful woman or man, today, may not be so beautiful after a few more hours. Beauty can also be found in the depths of the ordinary.

K. A. Gulias

15 May 2015


He holds the plow to his chest,
clouds and rain in his palms.
His plow opens doors
toward a richer possibility.
He scatters dawn on his field
and gives it meaning.
Yesterday we saw him.
On his path there was
a geyser of daylight’s sweat
that returned to rest in his chest,
clouds and rain in his palms.
Adonis, from Selected Poems, translated by Khaled Mattawa

The Beginning of Speech

The child I was came to me
a strange face
                He said nothing              We walked
each of us glancing at the other in silence, our steps
a strange river running in between

We were brought together by good manners
and these sheets now flying in the wind
then we split,
a forest written by earth
watered by the seasons’ change.

Child who once was, come forth—
What brings us together now,
and what do we have to say?

Adonis, from Selected Poems, translated by Khaled Mattawa

31 March 2015

Two verses

Nothing is a gift 
A gift with an aroma of cloves 

Karinna A. Gulias

13 March 2015

I Lie - by David Lang

English translation:
I lie in bed and turn out the light my beloved will come today The trains come twice a day one comes at night hear them clanging - glin, glin, glon Yes, he is near The night has many hours each one sadder than the next only one is happy when my beloved comes Someone comes, someone knocks someone calls my name I run out barefoot Yes, he has come. (text from You tube)

12 March 2015


Bone structures
their flesh
from winter's

Karinna A. Gulias

1 February 2015

Some thoughts on interpretation and value 1 -- The heritage of staleness

We've been drinking stale water since Plato spoke one.
Likewise one bad taste in mouth is righteousness in service.
As dogs without experience, syllogism and analogy grow on us. Exponential expression. Our ode to Aesthetics; a promise of unfulfilling mirrors. Eternity.

In our language, a memento from the Middle Ages, we have been playing The Dog and His Reflexion over and over again.
We bite our tail continuously in search of amor fati in substance. A substance without time:

"This summer the roses are blue; the wood is of glass"; and I am.

K.A. Gulias,

quote from: André Breton’s The First Manifesto of Surrealism 1924

26 January 2015

Wisdom is not valuing knowledge

To read poetry and find wisdom is to understand time.

When one is a poet, one works time and encompass oneself in the comprehension of it.

In wisdom there is no knowledge, no subject, no style, no separation between past, present and future.

Yet, one must learn to achieve wisdom; a learning without valuing knowledge and reputation.

Octavio Paz - 'Inmóvil en la luz, pero danzante'

"El mar, el mar e tú, plural espejo,
el mar de torso perezoso y lento
nadando por el mar, del mar sediento:
el mar que muere y nasce en un reflejo."

Sonetos (II), from Tecer taller poético.

"Y un pájaro cantó, delgada flecha.
Pecho de plata herido vibró el cielo,
se movieron las hojas,
las yerbas despertaron..."

El Pájaro, from Condición de nube

Llueve, en el mar:
al mar lo que es del mar
y que se seque la heredad.

¿La ola no tiene forma?
En un instante se esculpe
y en otro se desmorona
en la que emerge, redonda.
Su movimento es su forma.

Las olas se retiran
--ancas, espaldas, nucas--
pero vulven las olas
--pechos, bocas, espumas--.

Muere de sed el mar.
Se retuerce, sin nadie,
en su lecho de rocas."

Frente al Mar, from Condición de nube


Cantan los pájaros, cantan
sin saber lo que cantan:
todo su entendimiento es su garganta.

La forma que se ajusta al movimiento
nos es prisión sino piel del pensamiento.

La claridad del cristal transparente
no es claridad para mí suficiente:
el agua clara es el agua corriente.

from Condición de nube

16 January 2015


Não é

Mais que um campo florido
Para um observador.

Colher de prata
Para a língua de prata.

A palavra tempo
Num tatear fixo.

Não é

Mais que um modelo de risco
Para uma estátua.

Cor natural
De mármore.

Inteligência de uma
Terra sem terra.

Não é

Mais que uma fala
De paradoxos.

Museu de um amor
Ou de uma ave.

Não é

Não é terra. Não é água.

Karinna A. Gulias

Metaphors of a Magnifico

Twenty men crossing a bridge,
Into a village,
Are twenty men crossing twenty bridges,
Into twenty villages,
Or one man
Crossing a single bridge into a village.

This is old song
That will not declare itself...

Twenty men crossing a bridge,
Into a village,
Twenty men crossing a bridge
Into a village.

That will not declare itself
Yet is certain as meaning...
The boots of the men clump
On the boards of the bridge.
The first white wall of the village
Rises through fruit-trees.
Of what was it I was thinking?

So the meaning escapes.

The first white wall of the village...
The fruit-trees...

by Wallace Stevens