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21 January 2025

The eddies of free will:

Or the turbulence that overcomes determinism or "near-determinism."

Traditionally, knowledge gained has always been special, not universal. (Gleick, 1998 - 123)

Maybe the knowledge of physics was believed to be universal during some time after the laws of Newton were put in place. But we are now in the XXI century, after findings in Chaos theory, Quantum field theory, etc... and all we could gather so far is how knowledge and nature remains elusive. If scientific investigation is indeed the one to give us insight into the truth of determinism, therefore, taking into consideration the actual state of research in physics, determinism or near-determinism can only be wrong. 

Determinism as a logical scientific standpoint is non-falsifiable and we don't want to see that it is the case, because our Christian background blinds us to searching for a different thinking pathway. We don't need to be God and know all the knowledge in the Universe to be able to feasibly falsify determinism or any other theory. Maybe AI would be the closest we can get to an idea of all knowing GOD (Generated Objective Determinism). If that is the path we want to pursue, of course, that of fitting nature to our perception of reality.

Current Western science, in trying to continue being deterministic, tends to ignore incongruences and anomalies that may take their calculation to chaotic results and instead find non-perturbative frameworks. In the past, for example, to be able to ignore incongruences in their quantum field theory formulations, they introduced the S-matrix theory, which then led to what nowadays is considered a waste of decades of time to many physicists: the String Theory. In addition, scientific investigation limits degrees of freedom in calculations, and by limiting anything that either doesn't fit or makes calculations overly complex, because they lead to uncertainties, scientists are intentionally ignoring every clue that breaks with the deterministic view of nature.

Let's take Landau's picture of turbulence, for example:

When more energy comes into a system, he conjectured, new frequencies begin one at a time, each incompatible with the last, as if a violin string responds to harder bowing by vibrating with a second, dissonant tone, and then a third, and fourth, until the sound becomes an incomprehensible cacophony.

Any liquid or gas is a collection of individual bits, so many that they may as well be infinite. If each piece moved independently, then the fluid would have infinitely many possibilities, infinitely many "degrees of freedom" in the jargon, and the equations describing the motion would have to deal with infinitely many variables. But each particle does not move independently--its motion depends very much on the motion of its neighbors--and in a smooth flow, the degrees of freedom can be few. (...) The particles in a column of cigarette smoke rise as one, for a while.

Then confusion appears, a menagerie of mysterious wild motion. (Gleick, 1998 - 124) [1]


Based on Landau's picture of turbulence, let's consider a different framework of approach. Imagine we can empty our mind of all knowledge and past deeds. If you manage to do so, what action or movement do you think will come next? Can you predict it? In quantum mechanics you can confidently defend the hypothesis that before movement there is no knowledge, but emptiness. But then, it is an unproven hypothesis, mathematically speaking, but falsifiable.

The answer to turbulence and to end determinism you will find in emptiness, not in fullness.

Yes, I know I am neither a mathematician nor a physicist. I can only go with my theological and phenomenological references, my intimacy with poiesis, and my associative instinct to present a possible approach to a problem of paradigm that I can easily see and which affects the lives of every human being on this planet. And I think is fair to use a philosophical approach, considering that the scientific investigation is not the only way of reaching insight into the truth of nature, howbeit the most materialistic way. [2]

Karinna Alves Gulias

More on emptiness: Loopholes; On the objects of gravity; Master Dogen; Some thoughts on interpretation 3; Some thoughts on interpretation 1; The obstacle of emptiness

9 December 2024

Daniel Rossen - Shadow In The Frame


Direct link: https://youtu.be/X9SSeZNXnTU

A Perspective on the Fall

14 November 2024

The face of words:

The beginning is in the end

And the end is in the beginning.

The question is in the answer

And the answer is in the question.

Whoever doesn't understand it, 

Understands not what I say.


How do you find this?

A fish inside a book. 


K. Alves G.

2 November 2024

Abstraction of forms

God is time. But time is money.

Do you believe in God?

K. Alves G.

10 October 2024

Fluid Flow in the world of linearity

"How big is it? How long does it last? These are the most basic questions a scientist can ask about a thing. They are so basic to the way people conceptualize the world that it is not easy to see that they imply a certain bias. They suggest that size and duration, qualities that depend on scale, are qualities with meaning, qualities that can help describe an object and classify it.(...)

It is hard to break the habit of thinking of things in terms of how big they are and how long they last. But the claim of fractal geometry is that, for some elements of nature, looking for a characteristic scale becomes a distraction. Hurricane. By definition, it is a storm of a certain size. But the definition is imposed by people on nature.(...) Categories mislead. The ends of continuum are of a piece with the middle.

It happens that the equations of fluid flow are in many contexts dimensionless, meaning that they apply without regard to scale." - (Gleick, J., 1998 - p. 107-108)

"Still, Scholz considered the tools of fractal geometry indispensable.

'It's a single model that allows us to cope with the range of changing dimensions of the earth,' he said. 'It gives you mathematical and geometrical tools to describe and make predictions. Once you get over the hump, and you understand the paradigm, you can start actually measuring things and think about things in a new way. You see them differently.  You have a new vision. It's not the same as the old vision at all--it's much broader.'" - (Gleick, J., 1998 - p. 107)



The problem of bias. In every linear interpretation of reality, we are assigning discrepancies to nature. To think that dimensions are stable scales that you can fix on a linear equation is to dwell on illusions of reality. Even if we can explain how a rock rolls down a hill, doesn't necessarily mean we know how to start the movement of the rock rolling down the hill. We may have some idea, but not the whole picture. As, for example, we cannot even grasp the meaning of gravity. We can only assign discrepancies to it and hope we are getting closer to understanding the problem of space and time.

Lápis e abismo
Pomba gira
Dois rios ressoam
"Abismo, abismo!" - Cantam.
Uma roda e uma boca
Ressoam também.
Estrelas caem sobre cabeças.
Lua lacunar e agulha.
Nós todos.
K. Alves G.


Reference: Gleick, James, 1998 - Chaos, The Amazing Science of the Unpredictable. Vintage Books.

30 September 2024

Are we?

 "The poet is outside language." - Jean-Paul Sartre (in What is writing?)

Are we really? Can a fish be outside of the water? 
The fish may project its mind outside the stream and dream of being another or nothing, but can it really be out of the water? Isn't the fish water itself?

"For the poet, language is a structure of the external world. The speaker is in a situation in language; he is invested with words. They are prolongations of his meanings, his pincers, his antennae, his spectacles. He manoeuvres them from within; he feels them as if they are his body; he is surrounded by a verbal body which he is hardly aware of and which extends his actions upon the world. The poet is outside language. He sees the world inside out as if he did not share the human condition, and as if he were first meeting the word as a barrier as he comes towards men. Instead of first knowing things by their name, it seems that first he has silent contact with them(...)"*

Does the poet die every time we speak? Is it common to all humans to experience a constant clash of the internal and the external worlds? Why should this happen?

Maybe if we got used to speaking with silences in images instead of certainties in abstractions we would reach a far more conscious state of being. Less clashing and more embracing between brothers and sisters, of the so called human condition.

What do you think?

K. Alves G.

*Excerpt from What is writing? by Jean-Paul Sartre, in The Continental Aesthetics Reader, 2000, Edited by Clive Cazeaux - Routledge.

27 September 2024

Perfect Circle - The Contrarian

"Hello, he lied." The man who bombs everyone (and himself).


11 July 2024

Monetisation is, in spite of I am.

Monetisation is, in spite of I am.


It is interesting that to get to fully understand how the society works structurally in regards to sexism, we need to undress ourselves of all our stocked prejudices, hoarded throughout our lives and hidden under the romanticised terms like naivety and innocence.

Women have long been capitalised as stock for the maintenance of patrilineality. No wonder this has been the rule, especially after the spread of Christianity, in which the Holy Trinity includes only males (i.e. the father, the son and the Holy Spirit). Women have been relegated to invisibility for millennia, even though their bodies are incredibly valuable to human kind. However, for their invisibility, they could only be monetised once, that is in marriage. After that, her body would become property of the husband’s family, to do with her as they wished, and to produce males, of course-- the real valuable being that can be monetised from for his whole life.


Honesty be told, men are not well treated in this patriarchal society either. They have freedom, if they are free. They have justice, if they are on the right side. Have they a true soul, however? Or do they romanticise their own prison in innocence, by subjecting their selves to grandiloquent circumlocution? When do they practice their humanism? Perhaps, only individually, whenever they can gain the blessings of a God-like or an un-God-like immortality in name.

No, I am not a man hater, although I do criticise them. How can I hate men, when I have a son I love? Do not confuse my thoughts, when in truth all I despise is monetisation of human lives and thoughts. Monetisation of food and animals too, meanwhile many fellow humans die of starvation. And that all comes from the same source, and it’s vile. Honour, greed and hoarding. The unholy Trinity: the true sins of our patriarchal society.


The whole of the capitalist society has been created to fit men. All the health advances so far have been to treat the male body only. As for women, they are a mystery to be paid no attention, as long as they can keep their sole function, which is to care and breed.

Women can hardly keep up, dealing with period pains, children and parents to look after or even dealing with unsolved chronic illnesses that affect them more often than men. In addition, the more individualistic and fragmented the society is, surely the more the women will struggle, and I don’t think we can be more individualistic than we are to this day. On top of that, the super women that do keep up with men in the unfair work environment also have to be extremely strong mentally, to deal with social mining, sometimes for not being able to or not wanting a family. It seems almost impossible, if not a utopia, to be equal in this unfair society and women who want to feel as valuable as men, but in many ways cannot achieve this goal, end up with feelings of depression and self-loathe.

In the bare reality of things, the only real choice a woman has in her material life is either sacrifice or resignation. A choice that can only be consciously made if she removes the veil of innocence and naivety from her face. And whatever difficult path she finally chooses, she will definitely be criticised by her surroundings. It is the apogee of hellish individuality; that is for sure. Nothing really supports a woman but herself. Her solitary, dependant, unstable self. Even so, she still cares and men should be truly thankful for that. More so, because in her caring is the answer to all our troubles. 

Care is not something that can be well monetised. Either because love can’t be bought, as they say, or because it is a stigmatised job, for women only. Even so, still here lies the way out of our individualistic self-impoverishment. Every individual in this world, either man or woman, can be and move forward because they have had someone who cared for them, in some way or another. We don’t have elderly people being abandoned in the streets like useless piece of equipment simply because someone chose to care for them. And, most of the time, this someone is a woman, for the greatest part because the patriarchal society believes it is her job, the un-monetised job, I mean. That way she cannot be materially free.

Although in many cases she is unfortunately dependant financially, I believe that by finding her value in the un-monetised world or paradigm and consequently fighting for this un-monetised world, without expecting moral support, the woman, and also the men who thereupon follows, can find the way out of this hellish paradigm of living, even though slowly. It is not resignation. It is the contrary. It is finding value not in what men do, but in what we as women do. Finding value in what the women’s body can give us and understanding the female body, instead of trying to follow men’s body as a universal model. The value we give ourselves matters, and that not counting on stock interests, bank interests or religious interests. Whether we can monetise our lives, or how much, does not influence on our value as a person. It may seem obvious to some people, but our capitalist society works by closely relating one to the other. And many people suffer for that.

Everything that cannot be monetised is so valuable, please believe me. An extract of a poem is much more valuable than any millionaire or billionaire businessman, who sold his soul to fit in the best he could and survive as the fittest, at the top layer of this horrible pyramid of self-oppression and dehumanisation.

The answer is to be, disregarding monetisation. Like a homeless man or a hermit, who duels in the home of his soul, but even better would be in a community of equals that support each other. We can always fight for a more hopeful future and it starts by looking for a different, counter-current path. Definitely not by competition, though. And I don’t want to compete with men, as I don’t want to sell myself for the highest bid, without thinking, and wait for a freedom in money that will never come. I don’t believe that work ennobles men, and even less women. What ennobles men and women is care. And I want to care. Care for myself, my family, and other women and be cared for.

By Karinna Alves Gulias

9 July 2024

Maciço ainda: n

Maciço ainda: n

t – Aquele que entra
Com imagens cheias de sentido.
Uma projeção de desejos
Que ainda não nasceram. Nas mãos carregam flores
Que ainda não existem.
Vertigem perturbada.
Braços parados.
E os olhos olhando o céu, buscam um descanso.
Oscilações de um pêndulo
Que não se percebe. Ainda.
Acumular pedras à distância
E duvidar. n,
Não esculpido.

K. Alves G.


Esta lluvia nocturna dice sí,
un sí multiplicado
que insiste al ritmo unísono
de su fina caída.
La noche ritual es gota inmensa,
opacidad de agua en las ventanas.

Aquí, a mi alrededor,
se rubrica también, en paz y en sello,
la tarea licuada de lo oscuro:
en esta tenue luz sin conjeturas
flotan, igual que polen
de flores categóricas,
las certidumbres del instante.

Y a la vez
en la lluvia nocturna se oye un no,
un murmullo de algo en retirada,
algo disuelto
en el tañido de las gotas.

La certeza que había
huye como huye la acuidad
de las sombras.

Este insistir y este escaparse
me han envuelto en un paño
muy liviano,
no hecho con la lluvia enteramente
ni enteramente con reserva o eco.

Yo soy un sí y un no,
como el agua en la noche.

Poema de Antonio Cabrera (Piedras al Agua, 2010)

13 June 2024

9 May 2024

Hoje eu sou Araponga

Hoje eu sou Araponga.
Analogias de Araponga.

Um canto de juntas quentes. Talvez inchadas.

Analogia com dor, aleatória. Conservadora de algo.

Uma perna dobrando-se, devagar. 

Aguenta-bico. Murcha.

Pior de cativeiro, sempre.

De Karinna A. Gulias 

29 April 2024

A resposta

Dentro de qualquer conflito, seja contra outra pessoa ou contra si mesmo, seja uma batalla desleal e exagerada, a resposta de um deve ser sempre: humanizar. Humanizar.

Quem humaniza cultiva o bem ao mundo e a si mesmo.

E os desgostos transformamos em lágrimas e já está...

(Estou contigo Pedro Sánchez) 

4 April 2024

Três épocas


Há três épocas na memória,

E ontem mesmo, me parece, uma delas


* Minha tradução de:

There are three epochs in the memory,

And only yesterday, it seems, the first

Ocorred. – translation by D.M. Thomas 

(extract from Anna Akhmatova Selected Poems – Vintage Books, 2009 - "The Sixth", 78) 

1 March 2024

Amor a todas elas

Dos jardins que poderia fazer crescer, se esquece às vezes.

Ressuscitada do avesso. Avariada. Não se podia consumir sempre.

E pausa para fazer nada. A mulher.

A dieta dos deuses é sustentá-las e desvirtuando o espaço.

Medidas de uma erosão.

O espírito de um fóton sem tempo -- volva tempo. Volta, amor.

Seus dedos esticam junto com a luz

depois que já passou.

A dedicatória de todo um mito esquecido

a elas. Fica, por favor. Em uma foto.

de K. Alves G.

28 February 2024

O valor da voz

Cuida do

T Tempo

A velha abre a boca --

Calem-se todos: É

Um sopro sem ouro. Dura pesada

Para o sempre.

Um entre-mundos.

de Karinna Alves Gulias

27 February 2024

On the judgement of loopholes

There has been a time when we spent our free time in our bedrooms together with our journals, writing and thinking about the meaning of life in quiet, comfortable boredom. When we experienced our subjectivity to great extent, explored in its highest form either from reading poetry and its ambiguities or from not understanding something.

Loopholes. Let’s read this word without its pejorative meaning. Rethink it. What does it mean? A hole though which we may see light coming in and that permits eyes to observe. An ambiguity or omission that allows for escaping something. Could it be the unquestionable objectivity we are escaping from? Our rational thoughts? Or reality as we know?

Loopholes. What can someone NOT say and consequently make us feel it is about us, always? The silence of subjectivity. Always present. Loopholes.

Before the advent of internet, when we met ourselves alone, quietly, with a book, we found those moments of subjectivity in the silence of poetic metaphors. Who has ever read a poem and found not themselves there? Always in the silence of the loopholes. I will find I there, in the cracks of the text. From that moment onwards, even though with sane skepticism, I will believe the author knows me better than my mother. Or do I know myself better than my mother?

In the age of online social network, however, the loopholes are in everyday written social interactions. It is very hard, although a superficial window of interaction. What an acquaintance says indirectly on his or her wall, may they know or not, will affect absolutely everyone that reads it. Every single day, when we log in to the written reality of social life and see a  judgemental message thrown onto their wall to no one and, at the same time, to everyone, how many will suffer by finding in it their superficial I being judged? How can I not find myself in it? It is a loophole! It is like asking humans to go against their nature, by avoiding finding their subjectivity while dealing with the unknown.

But what kind of silence do you think we humans should be focusing our selves to reading or listening to? Superficial judgements sent out into the air by acquaintances or deeply thought metaphors from a poem or poetic prose?

We hardly talk to each other anymore, as in debating and exchanging ideas. We now throw superficial ideas, (judgements, stereotypes or citations) and react. Still, our generation and the ones before and after are not equipped to deal with a written reality. And if we can't deal with the ambiguities of written text, without suffering with our subjectivity, how can we deal even further with the ambiguity of reality itself? Now that we can have AI generated videos that easily pass for recordings of facts and phenomena. 

I think this is time for us to rethink our educational system and the way we interact with each other and reality. Interpretation has been and will always be key to human development and personal happiness. And so our understanding of how the silence of words affects our subjectivity and the way it helps us construct our identities.
by Karinna Alves Gulias

29 January 2024

The colonizer mindset - The Eurocentric (and North-American centric) view of everything.

I am a woman who was born in Brazil, an extremely social and friendly country, I possess a white skin complexion, even though I'm incredibly mixed, (to my personal pride,) as all of us Brazilians are, which is something that anyone can see just by walking in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, for example. However, only in the decades I have been living as an emigrant/immigrant have I really come to grasp the reality that I lived and live as part of a somewhat privileged group. I say somewhat because I am not living in my motherland anymore, and even though I have skin on the lighter range, I too experience the oppressing airs of the active xenophobia and colonial mentality in Europe. 

 I believe that the biggest mistake of a person, be that a common or clearly erudite one, who comes from a privileged group or powerful "first world" country is to think that racism or xenophobia are ideals that come from an individual perspective. I will give examples of this way of thinking: 

 - I don't think I'm racist. (Therefore, racism is not a thing). 

 - I have black friends. (Therefore, I don't practice racism). 

 Or even more individualist ways of portraying racism: 

 - Racists are evil. (And because I'm not evil, I cannot be racist). 

The biggest problem about conceiving "racism" in the third way mentioned above is that it makes people believe that being racist is an act that does not come from society in general, but from individuals who actively choose to do bad things towards others. When, in reality, racism, sexism, or xenophobia are culturally, socially, and historically built in the foundations and structures of society, especially the oppressor's society.

Everybody practices racism, both the ones who do not belong to the lesser group and the ones who do. Simply because it is a cultural reality, not an individual choice. I am sure most people nowadays do not want to belong to either group: the oppressor or the oppressed. Both groups dehumanize us, but they are a thing and it is here in our daily rituals, without us realizing.

It is hard to hear this, but any interest a person who belongs to the privileged group may have in treating the minority, which means the historically oppressed, groups with kindness or equality, without opening themselves up to accept our play in this non-equal, non-meritocratic reality, will be but superficial generosity. A vertical charity either to fulfill a personal emptiness or an individual conflictive self-image. 

If you want to be seen as good but do not want to venture into losing your romantic ideals of Patria or your properties to include others, who have been dehumanized and violated for centuries, if not millennia, then it means you chose to live a false reality: a capitalist, individualistic fairy tale of a supposedly meritocratic reality, built by the oppressors to pretend they live fairly in a fair world.

Karinna A. Gulias

18 December 2023


 I, too, dislike it.

***Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in
***it, after all, a place for the genuine.

By Marianne Moore 
From the 1967's "The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore"

27 November 2023

O acordo do ser menos entre Israel e Palestina

Dentro do pensamento Freireano da vocação do ser humano para o ser mais e a busca da liberdade, Israel e Palestina se deixam pecar. 

Que existe lá uma relação doentia de opressor-oprimido é inquestionável. Seja de que ideologia um seja, negá-la é negar a realidade por uma falsa sensação de segurança e defesa de uma verdade política manca. 

A política de desumanização é castradora, pois só cultiva o ser menos do ser humano. O agente opressor desumaniza o oprimido, para que seus atos não sejam criticados ou julgados de maneira justa, mas ao fazê-lo, o opressor também desumaniza a si mesmo, mesmo que de maneira distinta. É uma relação sórdida e inconsequente para com qualquer das partes envolvidas, que vem da falta de auto-questionamento e um medo ignorante da liberdade.

Qualquer ser humano ou grupo ou facção que se usa da retórica da desumanização para afirmar uma verdade ou uma ação se faz automaticamente um ser menos e, portanto, merece e deve ser questionado.

Citação de "Pedagogia do Oprimido" de Paulo Freire, 2022: 40-41.

13 November 2023

Vídeo do meu lançamento


31 October 2023

Os fracos são ricos no mundo


Os fracos são ricos no mundo.

E os fortes, ao prestar a atenção, mudam.


Apegados ao toque. As coisas escorregam das mãos.

Vidros se quebram. Líquidos derramam.

[Sem fracassos.


Excerto do novo poema [Espera] de Karinna Alves Gulias

30 October 2023

Estarei no Zoom no dia 3 de novembro

Estarei no Zoom no dia 3 de novembro para o lançamento do meu livro "Estória: Significados da Continuação". Eu lerei 3 poemas e a sinopse.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 9888 0402
Passcode: r5J7US

20 October 2023


O uso do arcaísmo “Estória” no título do meu livro "Estória: Significados da Continuação" é intencional. É uma maneira de descobrir a palavra “história” em sua complexidade ambígua e simbólica no que diz respeito à linguagem, sem o peso fragmentário dos conceitos epistemológicos e políticos herdados da sua irmã com a letra maiúscula. Poderíamos dizer que a estória para mim é, assim, poiesis.

19 October 2023

Livro novo já disponível


Meu biolink com os endereços do meu livro disponível nas páginas da livraria Atlântico: bit.ly/m/KAlvesG

29 September 2023

Os meus livros estão prontos!


13 September 2023

On the objects of gravity - And the dog

"A monk asked Joshu, a Chinese Zen master: 

`Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?'

Joshu answered: `Mu.'" [ = emptiness, nothingness, 'not']

Taking into consideration the text above, and If we discard any prejudices that may come with the understanding of what religion is and its purpose, we will realise that reading Buddhist literature is one good way to open our minds to a different pathway: the "no concept" stream of consciousness.

It's true that to read the excerpt above from a conceptual and prejudiced perspective will only add to our prejudices, either in regards to the uselessness of religion or the inferiority of dogs or some other stereotypes that may be roaming about our minds. The first impression, however, will always be that of outrage, from a Western point of view.

But what if the way we are reading it is wrong?

If you follow the Buddhist thought process, you will know that we must disregard the emotions that come as a reaction, and try to understand the text we are reading without underestimating what it is trying to provoke on us. In addition, in Buddhism, the path to right understanding will never be that of conceptualization, even though many scholars may try. And, in some way, I am trying here.

Therefore, by first ignoring our prejudices and emotions, we can then open our minds to discard them and consequently try to understand the aforementioned excerpt -- without conceptual thought. And by not conceptualizing the meaning of the words, we will arrive at a different understanding of the text, which is a much more all-inclusive than fragmentary one.

That which I defend here is to follow the same thought process in considering objects and tools when investigating or even in our daily lives. There is a great probability that the way we approach and use tools is wrong from the start, because of our biases, dogmas, and prejudices. When we use them, the tools, in a scientific investigation, for example, in a way or another we are deciding their results in advance. And the objects will never truly show themselves to us beyond what we are inclined to see, which is, in most cases, fragmentary and incomplete.

In a possible field of new physics, this change in approach may be what is missing for us to start understanding and translating things in a more all-inclusive way, and thus be able to progress in the fields of physics and, possibly, consciousness' awareness too.

Karinna Alves Gulias

11 September 2023

On the objects of gravity - And new physics

No evidence. No paradigmatic truth is ever found or stable. That is what resonates on the clouds of information.

Translating languages or gestures is like translating universe(s). Every misreading, misunderstanding, and that strange feeling of nostalgia in every transliteration are ever present, past, or future in communication. Growing or ingrowing.

To understand the outworld without even acknowledging the universe within every tongue or person. Should we already know that trying to move forward is the same as moving backward? 

How can we transcend our cubic limitations if we still attach ourselves vehemently to ideas? Any idea, but especially those that, even though at the present civilization's paradigmatic circumstances should have perished, still persist and are the most obtuse and arbitrary ones: the ones based on value, rank, or merit, like race, gender, or nationality, for example.

"No concept" is where lies the beginning of our true understanding of "travel" and our interplanetary experience, even though it may sound like a fetish. Therefore, transcending our prejudices and barriers is necessary, so that we can enter the age of new science and thus overcome science as a dogma. But first, we need to acknowledge that "tools" are not at our service—something we should have known by now. 

Tools, like us, are objects of gravity.

Karinna A. Gulias

31 August 2023

Objetos da Gravidade - o conto está disponível em ISSUU agora

 "Objetos da Gravidade" aqui

Clique no link acima para ler o meu conto, já que a Resvista Mallarmargens parece já estar fora do ar faz um bom, bom tempo, infelizmente.

25 August 2023

5 July 2023

Meu terceiro livro está no forno!

É com grande alegria que anuncio que o meu terceiro livro está em processo de produção. Uma parceria com a editora Atlantic Books de Portugal. 

 I'm very happy to announce that my third book (in Portuguese) is in production, in partnership with Atlantic Books from Portugal.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Tick Tock - Hans Zimmer

9 May 2023

The Rhythm Thief

Uma menção sem importância

Uma menção sem importância.

Que ao fundo do buraco da terra,
Volteie todas as sombras do céu,
Perfumadas de luz e acrescentadas de

Menciona-te na tua morte.
Uma vida quase perfeita, numa identidade alheia.
E Vergonhas que organizar.

Porque nem eu e nem tu somos mais que um passo.
Mesmerizado por um segundo.

De Karinna Alves Gulias

Such Is the Story Made of Stubbornness and a Little Air - by Ilya Kaminsky

Such is the story made of stubbornness and a little air—
a story signed by those who danced wordless before God.
Who whirled and leapt. Giving voice to consonants that rise
with no protection but each other’s ears.
We are on our bellies in this quiet, Lord.

Let us wash our faces in the wind and forget the strict shapes of
Let the pregnant woman hold something of clay in her hand.
She believes in God, yes, but also in the mothers
of her country who take off their shoes
and walk. Their footsteps erase our syntax.
Let her man kneel on the roof, clearing his throat
(for the secret of patience is his wife’s patience).
He who loves roofs, tonight and tonight, making love to her and to
    her forgetting,
let them borrow the light from the blind.
There will be evidence, there will be evidence.
While helicopters bomb the streets, whatever they will open, will
What is silence? Something of the sky in us.

From Deaf Republic. Copyright © 2019 by Ilya Kaminsky. Poem taken from: https://poets.org/poem/such-story-made-stubbornness-and-little-air

17 January 2023

Relationship in a male circle

 A relationship between a woman and a man is a relationship between a woman and the world. Every step into that bond means that a social group will overpower her individuality, because she will never be seen as an equal, in spite of the actual progressive trend in the world politics.

A male partner with more power, being that social, financial, professional or even emotional, will always try to control the power of his female partner, and this will mostly be accomplished with the help of his surroundings and acquaintances. Professional referrals, favours, buddy groups, networking. All of these supposedly meritocratic or friendly acts are but means of control or a tool for power struggle.

There are women in these groups too. They also can be the buddy in a group without realising the harm she is causing to herself. Many women live sleepwalking in life and projecting her dreams onto a path of delusions. There is no worst enemy to a woman than naivety.

The reality is that a woman will never be able to truly detach herself from a man, unless he wants it to. Because the world helps him.

13 January 2023

Pinky promise


To any finger pointing at me in this world
I promise to relive the ghost of dust. It’s piling up. Unnoticed.

I promise to label myself. Movables.
Furniture scratching the floor.
The memories of a language I used to like,
But I never experienced it. I drank alone
With eyes watching me.
Unmoving. Uninterested. Destabilizing quietness of mind.

I rejected competitive invitations every day. Without a friend.
I turned my inside out. But it’s not seen. Thankfully or not.

The joy of being one and only in one world or many.

Maybe I’ll invite a child. As darkness is coming near.

By Karinna Alves Gulias

12 December 2022