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16 November 2010

As virtudes da mãe

Buddhism's 4 brahmavihara ("Divine States"):

1. Metta/Maitri: loving-kindness towards all: "the wish that all sentient beings, without any exception, be happy." [Amor bondoso]

2. Karuṇā: compassion: "the wish for all sentient beings to be free from suffering." [Compaixão]

3. Mudita: altruistic joy in the accomplishments of a person, oneself or other;
sympathetic joy - "the wholesome attitude of rejoicing in the happiness and virtues of all sentient beings." [Alegria altruísta]

4. Upekkha/Upeksha: equanimity, or learning to accept both loss and gain, praise and blame, success and failure with detachment, equally, for oneself and for others.
Equanimity means "not to distinguish between friend, enemy or stranger, but to regard every sentient being as equal. It is a clear-minded tranquil state of mind - not being overpowered by delusions, mental dullness or agitation." [Equanimidade]

Fiquei surpreendida quando descobri que os 4 estados divinos, as 4 virtudes, no Budismo são estados relacionados naturalmente às virtudes inerentes às mães. Não se busca algo ideal, mas dá-se valor ao amor incondicional próprio das boas mães (pessoas de carne e osso e à nossa volta, que vemos se quisermos prestar a atenção).

"[Te =] He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it." Analects, Confucio.

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