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27 November 2010

Part I – The first story

[That which isn’t]

A mother supposed to raise [mirrored] cattle,
and administrate the ground for permanence,
made a baby with the dark matter of night.

A mother supposed to raise [giant] cattle,
and increase her shadow.

She lighted candles
for the day she would bring up offsprings.
With the movement,
her name moved to a strange house;
belongs to another place; to another duty.

In the move:
– In all rivers she crossed
thirds of her hair were left behind, now white
like sea foam.

At night the rivers followed her and poured
glass on her chest. From her then
star hairs and sea foam were born. –

Once more her name moved,
__________________until the will was restrained
Her hair fell down and she was hence named:
small shadow
and then
It was born a son.

K.A.Gulias [translation from original in Portuguese]

*Uma tradução que fiz no início do ano e resolvi colocar agora aqui.

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