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18 December 2023


 I, too, dislike it.

***Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in
***it, after all, a place for the genuine.

By Marianne Moore 
From the 1967's "The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore"

27 November 2023

O acordo do ser menos entre Israel e Palestina

Dentro do pensamento Freireano da vocação do ser humano para o ser mais e a busca da liberdade, Israel e Palestina se deixam pecar. 

Que existe lá uma relação doentia de opressor-oprimido é inquestionável. Seja de que ideologia um seja, negá-la é negar a realidade por uma falsa sensação de segurança e defesa de uma verdade política manca. 

A política de desumanização é castradora, pois só cultiva o ser menos do ser humano. O agente opressor desumaniza o oprimido, para que seus atos não sejam criticados ou julgados de maneira justa, mas ao fazê-lo, o opressor também desumaniza a si mesmo, mesmo que de maneira distinta. É uma relação sórdida e inconsequente para com qualquer das partes envolvidas, que vem da falta de auto-questionamento e um medo ignorante da liberdade.

Qualquer ser humano ou grupo ou facção que se usa da retórica da desumanização para afirmar uma verdade ou uma ação se faz automaticamente um ser menos e, portanto, merece e deve ser questionado.

Citação de "Pedagogia do Oprimido" de Paulo Freire, 2022: 40-41.

13 November 2023

Vídeo do meu lançamento


31 October 2023

Os fracos são ricos no mundo


Os fracos são ricos no mundo.

E os fortes, ao prestar a atenção, mudam.


Apegados ao toque. As coisas escorregam das mãos.

Vidros se quebram. Líquidos derramam.

[Sem fracassos.


Excerto do novo poema [Espera] de Karinna Alves Gulias

30 October 2023

Estarei no Zoom no dia 3 de novembro

Estarei no Zoom no dia 3 de novembro para o lançamento do meu livro "Estória: Significados da Continuação". Eu lerei 3 poemas e a sinopse.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 9888 0402
Passcode: r5J7US

20 October 2023


O uso do arcaísmo “Estória” no título do meu livro "Estória: Significados da Continuação" é intencional. É uma maneira de descobrir a palavra “história” em sua complexidade ambígua e simbólica no que diz respeito à linguagem, sem o peso fragmentário dos conceitos epistemológicos e políticos herdados da sua irmã com a letra maiúscula. Poderíamos dizer que a estória para mim é, assim, poiesis.

19 October 2023

Livro novo já disponível


Meu biolink com os endereços do meu livro disponível nas páginas da livraria Atlântico: bit.ly/m/KAlvesG

29 September 2023

Os meus livros estão prontos!


13 September 2023

On the objects of gravity - And the dog

"A monk asked Joshu, a Chinese Zen master: 

`Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?'

Joshu answered: `Mu.'" [ = emptiness, nothingness, 'not']

Taking into consideration the text above, and If we discard any prejudices that may come with the understanding of what religion is and its purpose, we will realise that reading Buddhist literature is one good way to open our minds to a different pathway: the "no concept" stream of consciousness.

It's true that to read the excerpt above from a conceptual and prejudiced perspective will only add to our prejudices, either in regards to the uselessness of religion or the inferiority of dogs or some other stereotypes that may be roaming about our minds. The first impression, however, will always be that of outrage, from a Western point of view.

But what if the way we are reading it is wrong?

If you follow the Buddhist thought process, you will know that we must disregard the emotions that come as a reaction, and try to understand the text we are reading without underestimating what it is trying to provoke on us. In addition, in Buddhism, the path to right understanding will never be that of conceptualization, even though many scholars may try. And, in some way, I am trying here.

Therefore, by first ignoring our prejudices and emotions, we can then open our minds to discard them and consequently try to understand the aforementioned excerpt -- without conceptual thought. And by not conceptualizing the meaning of the words, we will arrive at a different understanding of the text, which is a much more all-inclusive than fragmentary one.

That which I defend here is to follow the same thought process in considering objects and tools when investigating or even in our daily lives. There is a great probability that the way we approach and use tools is wrong from the start, because of our biases, dogmas, and prejudices. When we use them, the tools, in a scientific investigation, for example, in a way or another we are deciding their results in advance. And the objects will never truly show themselves to us beyond what we are inclined to see, which is, in most cases, fragmentary and incomplete.

In a possible field of new physics, this change in approach may be what is missing for us to start understanding and translating things in a more all-inclusive way, and thus be able to progress in the fields of physics and, possibly, consciousness' awareness too.

Karinna Alves Gulias

11 September 2023

On the objects of gravity - And new physics

No evidence. No paradigmatic truth is ever found or stable. That is what resonates on the clouds of information.

Translating languages or gestures is like translating universe(s). Every misreading, misunderstanding, and that strange feeling of nostalgia in every transliteration are ever present, past, or future in communication. Growing or ingrowing.

To understand the outworld without even acknowledging the universe within every tongue or person. Should we already know that trying to move forward is the same as moving backward? 

How can we transcend our cubic limitations if we still attach ourselves vehemently to ideas? Any idea, but especially those that, even though at the present civilization's paradigmatic circumstances should have perished, still persist and are the most obtuse and arbitrary ones: the ones based on value, rank, or merit, like race, gender, or nationality, for example.

"No concept" is where lies the beginning of our true understanding of "travel" and our interplanetary experience, even though it may sound like a fetish. Therefore, transcending our prejudices and barriers is necessary, so that we can enter the age of new science and thus overcome science as a dogma. But first, we need to acknowledge that "tools" are not at our service—something we should have known by now. 

Tools, like us, are objects of gravity.

Karinna A. Gulias

31 August 2023

Objetos da Gravidade - o conto está disponível em ISSUU agora

 "Objetos da Gravidade" aqui

Clique no link acima para ler o meu conto, já que a Resvista Mallarmargens parece já estar fora do ar faz um bom, bom tempo, infelizmente.

25 August 2023

5 July 2023

Meu terceiro livro está no forno!

É com grande alegria que anuncio que o meu terceiro livro está em processo de produção. Uma parceria com a editora Atlantic Books de Portugal. 

 I'm very happy to announce that my third book (in Portuguese) is in production, in partnership with Atlantic Books from Portugal.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Tick Tock - Hans Zimmer

9 May 2023

The Rhythm Thief

Uma menção sem importância

Uma menção sem importância.

Que ao fundo do buraco da terra,
Volteie todas as sombras do céu,
Perfumadas de luz e acrescentadas de

Menciona-te na tua morte.
Uma vida quase perfeita, numa identidade alheia.
E Vergonhas que organizar.

Porque nem eu e nem tu somos mais que um passo.
Mesmerizado por um segundo.

De Karinna Alves Gulias

Such Is the Story Made of Stubbornness and a Little Air - by Ilya Kaminsky

Such is the story made of stubbornness and a little air—
a story signed by those who danced wordless before God.
Who whirled and leapt. Giving voice to consonants that rise
with no protection but each other’s ears.
We are on our bellies in this quiet, Lord.

Let us wash our faces in the wind and forget the strict shapes of
Let the pregnant woman hold something of clay in her hand.
She believes in God, yes, but also in the mothers
of her country who take off their shoes
and walk. Their footsteps erase our syntax.
Let her man kneel on the roof, clearing his throat
(for the secret of patience is his wife’s patience).
He who loves roofs, tonight and tonight, making love to her and to
    her forgetting,
let them borrow the light from the blind.
There will be evidence, there will be evidence.
While helicopters bomb the streets, whatever they will open, will
What is silence? Something of the sky in us.

From Deaf Republic. Copyright © 2019 by Ilya Kaminsky. Poem taken from: https://poets.org/poem/such-story-made-stubbornness-and-little-air

17 January 2023

Relationship in a male circle

 A relationship between a woman and a man is a relationship between a woman and the world. Every step into that bond means that a social group will overpower her individuality, because she will never be seen as an equal, in spite of the actual progressive trend in the world politics.

A male partner with more power, being that social, financial, professional or even emotional, will always try to control the power of his female partner, and this will mostly be accomplished with the help of his surroundings and acquaintances. Professional referrals, favours, buddy groups, networking. All of these supposedly meritocratic or friendly acts are but means of control or a tool for power struggle.

There are women in these groups too. They also can be the buddy in a group without realising the harm she is causing to herself. Many women live sleepwalking in life and projecting her dreams onto a path of delusions. There is no worst enemy to a woman than naivety.

The reality is that a woman will never be able to truly detach herself from a man, unless he wants it to. Because the world helps him.

13 January 2023

Pinky promise


To any finger pointing at me in this world
I promise to relive the ghost of dust. It’s piling up. Unnoticed.

I promise to label myself. Movables.
Furniture scratching the floor.
The memories of a language I used to like,
But I never experienced it. I drank alone
With eyes watching me.
Unmoving. Uninterested. Destabilizing quietness of mind.

I rejected competitive invitations every day. Without a friend.
I turned my inside out. But it’s not seen. Thankfully or not.

The joy of being one and only in one world or many.

Maybe I’ll invite a child. As darkness is coming near.

By Karinna Alves Gulias